PRC unable to have long term close and equal partnership
Just in case some have the illusion of an extremely close and equal partnership between Russia and the PRC, allow me to go over some history quickly to show "close and equal" has never happened and will never with the PRC. Russians founded the CCP and the relationship between the CCP and Russia couldn't have been closer before Stalin died. When Mao wanted to be the boss of the communist movement, the relationship soured quickly. The CCP suffered over 1M casualties in the Korean War to save the DPRK. The true relationship between the PRC and the DPRK was very poor and rocky for a long time because Kim was too independent for the CCP. Nehru was hailed by the CCP as one of the great world leaders. The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence initiated with India were treated as the gold standard guiding international relationships. The honeymoon ended with the Sino-Indian war. The CCP provided massive support for Viet Cong with military personnel, weapons, apparel, and food...