US will be better regardless of election outcome

Within 48 hours, probably 30M to 50M Americans will experience post-election stress disorder, many will attempt suicide and some will start to plan emigration.

I will not. I actually look forward to it regardless of the winner. 

Here is my glass-half-full thought: 

To me, either T or H will be an upgrade to B. Here is why:

If T wins, the southern border invasion concerning 96% of Americans will finally be stopped to allow us to focus on other important issues. 

Deportation will accelerate to deter illegals but mass deportation costing over $100B/yr will not happen. 

The main downside of T is primarily long-term.

The US is such a mature democracy that T would need to rule for two or three decades to turn the US into Sinophile Orban's Hungary to control the media, and education institutions and merge the state with family business. 

T's admiration of the dictators of the new axis of evil is nothing new. It has been the case since 2016 and he is very candid about it. Let's be honest and look at how his administration actually dealt with the axis before pondering whether he will serve the axis.

Many feared that T would be a disaster for the European front of the battle between the free world and the PRC-led Axis. It is highly likely that 2025 will be better than 2024 for Ukraine in terms of casualties and territory loss or gain regardless of who wins.

Keep in mind that B never wants Ukraine to have a decisive and quick victory. He wants Ukraine to bleed continuously to wear out PRC's Russia province in the hope that Russia will give up or collapse one way or another eventually. 

Figuratively speaking, B wants to provide 100% aid to Ukraine but allows it to be only 50% effective in order to avoid escalation. T may want to give only 20% aid to Ukraine but wants it to be 200% effective to allow him to brag about it. He wants every US weapon to cause maximum damage and would love to send expiring or expired tanks and AFVs to Ukraine because he seeks good deals or bargains constantly.

If H wins, we will have much more certainty and everything will likely be better, though not as dramatic as many wish.

B had three major sins:

1. Southern border invasion that he started on the first day by reversing Trump's effective border policy.

2. International fiascos one after another (Afghanistan, massive fund release to Iran, Houthis, and the preventable slaughter in Ukraine).  

3. Inflation.

H will likely do much better in all of the above three. As Gabbard famously pointed out, H errs on the tough side. The southern border invasion is down by 70% from the peak and H will likely bring it down further if T no longer obstructs Congress's relevant bill.

If H replaces Mr. Jake De-escalation Guru Sullivan, this alone will improve the US's international situation drastically and accelerate the end of the slaughter in Ukraine. She said she would appoint Republicans, so the NSA may be a competent Republican.

Her proposed handouts may cause some inflation but I doubt it will be nearly as bad as it is under B.

The US economy is not nearly as bad as T campaign paints.

H's sense of humility and willingness to adapt gives me far more comfort than B's DC old hand's assertiveness. There is a chance that she may select a star team and delegate most of the work to them as Trump effectively did instead of dictating everything as B does.

In case you wonder, I exercised my privilege as a proud American as soon as our town hall opened on the first day of the early voting.

Not only did I vote, but I also put my money where my mouth is.😀

My original plan was simple: anyone but DJT or JB, but KH is really not a non-JB, but a JB lite, so she complicated the decision.

The crazies and grifters surrounding T helped eventually.

Anyway,  I wanted to wish everyone a happy election day and most importantly, a happy post-election life.


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