Promising highway-only autonomous driving

I was excited by the video How Aurora Got Self-Driving Trucks On The Road a few months ago. I thought the concept of highway-only autonomous driving might have a significant positive impact on many people in not very far future.

The consensus is that true autonomous driving under all conditions will not happen until at least 2035.  Aurora has started this hub-to-hub autonomous driving. This eliminates the most unpleasant part of a trucker's job - long hours on highways. 

I can see this technology ported to passenger cars relatively easily. When it happens, it will enhance the quality of life for tens of millions in the US alone by allowing them to be productive and stress-free during daily commutes on highways.

Even for those without daily highway commutes, it can be highly beneficial.

Two examples:

  1. Many in MA enjoy hiking and skiing in the NH mountains. For me, the 3-hour driving (one-way) kills the interest most of the time. If the 2.5 hours on highways are done autonomously, a day trip will be far more pleasant.
  2. Highway autonomous driving can even replace short flights. The biggest downside of my day trips to NYC is that I have to book a late-evening flight and come home close to midnight. This is because I cannot predict when I finish things in Manhattan. It can be early afternoon or early evening after a reception.  I have tried more than once driving 2.5 hours to New Haven, then hopping on a Metro-North express to get into Manhattan. This allows me to head back anytime I wish instead of relying on a flight. The 2.5-hour morning driving is bearable, but the 2.5-hour potential night driving after a long day can be very unpleasant. 

With this autonomous highway driving, I can be productive (with a laptop) or relax (e.g., have a nap on the way home) during most of the travel, better than a flight with all the hassles and rigidity.


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