The fear of the consequence of Russian invasion should be on the PRC side

I am starting to feel that some galaxy brains believe that the PRC is gaining an upper hand in its assault on the free world after the middle school dropout's visit to Moscow.  No, the CCP has to be increasingly nervous about the situation in Ukraine which can be an existential threat.

The Russian invasion does wear the free world standing with Ukraine and may incur further internal divisions.  All good for the PRC.

The problem for the PRC is the risk of Russian disintegration, or even worse, becoming a free country after deposing the dictator.

Let's see the worst scenario for the free world first: Russia temporarily defeats Ukraine and takes Kyiv to put up a puppet gov as a result of dwindling international support for Ukraine. The chance for this worst scenario is close to zero. Even if it happens, Ukraine will just becomes the 2nd Afghanistan for Russia. Bloody insurgent fights will drive out Russia eventually but incur far greater damage to Russia than Afghanistan did to the USSR. The USSR disintegrated after its adventure in Afghanistan. 

If Russia is defeated, it may lead to internal turmoil and possible disintegration, or a free Russia. This may dramatically accelerate the demise of the CCP.

Here is the tremendous benefit that the PRC gets from its Russian vassal: it effectively secures its entire 22k km border. Not only does its Moscow vassal secure its northern and western border but also the southern border including the volatile Sino-Indian border due to India's dependence on Russia and its sizable Rusophile population.  Beijing's lapdog Putin will have no choice but to follow his master's order to deter India one way or another if the need arises. This allows the {RC to concentrate on the sea frontline and taking TW.

If Putin's regime is finished and the PRC loses this highly useful vassal, the PRC may lose its captured Central Asian countries, and India can become aggressive at the border. The CCP's legitimacy will be under further pressure.

Only the Chinese in Mainland China can finish the CCP.  People outside the PRC can have some limited influence. At this moment, the most useful thing that the free world can do to remove the CCP cancer is to defeat Rashists in Urakine to trigger the domino effect.

In summary, the PRC does not have an upper hand but the free world does.

Free countries have a regime change every few years and they remain more or less the same. Countries such as the PRC and Russia will change dramatically once a regime change occurs.


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