Inevitability of PRC's malicious behavior under CCP

I will argue the inevitability of the CCP's malicious behavior by borrowing its own ideological methodology.

I often come to the same conclusion about the CCP's behaviors as many others but with a different approach. Many assume that the CCP has long-term devilish plans and everything they do just follows a plan devised a long time. They may have long-term thinking but I doubt it is as significant as many believe.

For example, I doubt the power concentration of Xi (a.k.a., the middle school dropout) and the wolf warrior Xiplomacy was in the long-term plan by Deng or Jiang.

I actually believe Deng meant it when he spoke to the UN assembly that China would never seek hegemony. However, I also believe China seeking hegemony is inevitable. 

Like everyone in my generation, I went through the mandatory brainwashing with historical materialism. A key tenet of historical materialism is the inevitability of a certain historical course - capitalism replaced by socialism that leads to the final destiny - communism.

I no longer believe in the course prescribed by Marx but I believe the inevitability of certain behaviors of a given social structure. I think most people share the same belief. For example, most believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  This is true universally - the PRC, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela ... every country with a concentration of power has massive corruption.

Now, let us talk about the CCP's inevitable malicious behaviors. It is an organization:

1. does not believe in rule of law, inalienable rights of freedom, or equality.

2. does not allow free debates hence no healthy feedback loop for error correction.

3. effectively believes the law of the jungle and a hierarchical world determined by relative power. I know they may say opposite things officially but their actions speak the truth.

Look at their attitudes towards small European countries, you should know their hierarchical view well.

With such nature, it is just a question of what malicious behaviors they are capable of with their strength. Let us use a possible scenario to make the point.

There are always disputes among countries. Normal countries try to resolve issues with commonly accepted rules. Suppose the PRC has some disputes with Vietnam and it has overwhelming military advantages over Vietnam, and the West relies so much on the PRC and they can only afford thoughts and prayer for Vietnam.  With the CCP's nature in mind, can you think of any reason to prevent the PRC from a "special military operation" to take a few islands of Vietnam they have always wanted?

Remember that they started the unprovoked 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war. They did it because they could do this to Vietnam without the fear of international sanction because the US implicitly supported it. They can do this to the Philipines, Japan, or any other country if they believe they have overwhelming power. 

The CCP is not the only regime with this nature. Putin's regime is similar. He could have a special military operation in any country if he believed he could win.

If the relative power positions between the US and Cuba were reversed, the DC would have Cuba's puppet regime sooner or later. Same for the US vs Venezuela. 

We have to talk about Taiwan. I still remember "We must liberate Taiwan" was the entire text of a lesson in our first-grade Chinese class in the 70s, so military takeover has always been an option. However, I believe the probability of military action over TW dramatically dropped in the 80s and CCP's intention of peaceful reunification was genuine.

Again, the CCP's nature determines it will take military actions if its calculation shows it can bear the cost. Keep in mind that human lives are just numbers for the CCP. They starved almost 40 million to death. The excess deaths caused by their draconian lockdowns that lead to healthcare collapse can be quite significant.

The CCP does not have a healthy feedback loop, so they can grossly miscalculate as Putin did for his Ukraine invasion. We have to try to alter the CCP's calculation to prevent their invasion of TW. A massive amount of lethal weapons may be our best bet.

Regarding the CCP cancer, the godsend gift is the middle school dropout. As long as he remains in power, he will wreak havoc on the PRC's economy, hence slowing its military power growth. His zero-tolerance COVID policy is just one example.

In summary, the Sino-Russo alliance will continue to harm the world. It is inevitable. The scale is determined by their relative power boosted by corrupt or delusional Western politicians.

Let me end this on a higher note by expressing another inevitability - both the Putin regime and CCP regime will collapse. I dare not predict the timing but when it happens, it is likely rapid.


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