Western delusion about China regarding Putin's invasion

 The Western delusion about the PRC regarding Putin’s invasion is almost unbearable. It is extremely baffling because the CCP is not hiding its views.

Many in the West still lack the fundamental understanding of the CCP.


Allow me to share some basic understanding of the CCP relevant to Putin’s slaughter. I know the CCP’s mindset well because that is what grew up with thanks to intensive brainwashing. I also happened to be able to access CCP’s internal documents when I was a kid. 

I will try to be brief by skipping rehashing the CCP’s history. The basic way of CCP’s operation has never changed since its inception. You see the same pattern in its entire history.

They start with a fairly simple view of the world which can change back and forth over time, then devise the so-called “line, principles, and policies” (路线、方针、政策). I prefer translating them to “direction, strategy, and policy” (DSP).

The CCP's politburo sets the DSP (now the middle school dropout is essentially the only person who sets them), it is then pushed to every corner of the society including kindergartens.

In case this sounds abstract and confusing, let me use an example in the US to explain it.

Most Americans know that some people view the world through a racial lens – the society is shaped by constant racial struggles. When they see a white man scolding a minority, they make the conclusion instantly – it is a racist event. The details of the incident (e.g., the white does this to everyone regardless of race or he has a mental illness, or the minority stole his pocket) make no difference to their conclusion. Their actions will be based on this instant conclusion.

That is how the CCP works. What is their current basic view of the world? It is a struggle between the world order established by the West after WWII and the new world order beingconstructed by the CCP, Putin, and the like.

When Putin invades Ukraine or any country, the CCP makes up its mind instantly – it is a struggle between their world order and the Western world order. The details (NATO, Nazification, prevailing international view) are irrelevant to their conclusion.

Their DSP is based on this conclusion. They will try to help Putin as much as they can.

I still remember when I was a kid, everyone judged conflicts in Asia, Africa, S. America in a very simple and resolute manner: whichever side that fights the West is the good one.

If you put yourself in the CCP’s shoes to devise the strategy to best help Putin, you would likely do exactly what they have been doing.

Outright aiding Putin by sending troops and weapons publicly would be counterproductive because Western sanctions can hurt the CCP badly. If you think the seized assets of Russian oligarchs are huge, wait until you see the seized assets of CCP officials if it happens. They will be one or twoorders of magnitude higher.

How to help Putin without risking sanctions? Propaganda is the safest area.

 The CCP is mounting an all-out propaganda campaign to support Putin. If you have any doubt, take a look at the entire segment on the invasion of the CCP's prime news program any day. You will notice it is not much different from pure Putin's war propaganda.

Therefore, the PRC undoubtedly has a larger portion of the population supporting Putin’s slaughter than Russia which has 58%.

I have no doubt the CCP is sneaking aid to Putin. They have been carrying out covert aiding throughout the PRC’s history (N. Korea, Vietnam, communists in Indonesia…). For example, they will have "private" citizens or firms funneling banned goods to Putin. If they are caught, the CCP regime will claim they have nothing to do with them (like hackers with whom they always deny connections).

The CCP may help broker a ceasefire, but not for the interest of Ukraine, but for Putin when his defeat becomes certain. They will help Putin to get the best deal while pretending neutrality. I am afraid the CCP may encourage Putin’s atrocity in order to get a better deal.

Let me use a Korean War example to make the point. During the final stage of the 1952 US presidential election, the CCP’s People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) mounted a desperate large-scale assault at well-defended White Horse Hill despite they knew the high cost. They wanted to influence the election and make Americans demand peace. They paid a heavy price – lost 10,000 soldiers – and failed in taking any position. Probably few Americans heard about their desperate military campaign.

It is quite possible for the CCP to advise Putin to intensify atrocities while they pretend to be an honest broker to help Putin get the best deal to save his face while pressuring Ukrainians to offer maximum concessions. They will always act on behalf of Putin.


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