The PRC's zero-tolerance may be akin to the great leap

There is a good chance that the middle school dropout’s (a.k.a. General Secretary Xi) zero-tolerance idiocy will generate a situation very similar to that created by Mao’s Great Leap idiocy though not at the same scale of mass deaths but in terms of the power struggle and economy.

I never believe Mao used the Great Leap to kill people in mass despite he was a ruthless monster. I believe he intended to generate an economic great leap. His biggest sin was continuing his idiocy when he already knew it caused mass starvation.

Mao also purged those trying to stop his idiocy. In other words, the famine could have killed 10 million instead of 40 million if Mao had had some appreciation for human lives.

The MSD’s zero-tolerance is generating a lot of pain for the people and businesses. I am sure some senior CCP officials have realized this because it is so obvious but they dare not to challenge the MSD. The MSD may purge those challenging his idiocy until the country can no longer bear it. 

The Great Leap started in 1957 but the correction started to take effect only in 1961 after 40 million were starved to death.

If the MSD’s zero-tolerance idiocy lasts for one or two more years, it can put the PRC’s economy into an accelerated downward spiral permanently until the demise of the CCP. That is what I hope for.


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