
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ukraine will take all its territories eventually regardless of US politics

I have not changed my belief that Ukraine will take back all its territories eventually since President Zelenskyy said "I need ammunition, not a ride" and Ukrainian warriors stopped the Rashist advance.  It is just a question of cost and time. The basis of my point is that the Moscow KGB thug regime will end. It may take longer than many like, similar to the CCP mafia regime in the PRC which has survived much longer than I originally expected. I maintained my PRC citizenship and delayed my naturalization for a long time in the hope that I would cast my vote in the first democratic election that we fought for in 1989. I did not expect the West to give such overwhelming support to the CCP to help extend its life. However, I have never doubted the totalitarian regime will be finished, and the Chinese people will be free, and so will the Russian people.  When the CCP regime is finished, China will disintegrate inevitably, and so will Russia after the KGB thugs are done.  The wors

Nikolai Ostrovsky

I was surprised and amused when I found out last week that THE most influential foreign role model for 2 generations of indoctrinated Chinese youths (including yours) was a Ukrainian - Nikolai Ostrovsky. My ignorance. Let me tell you how popular he was in the PRC.  His novel How the Steel Was Tempered, claimed as an autobiography, was ranked #1 among the 50 most influential books selected by the public in 1999, beating books by Mao, Shakespeare,  Lu Xun, Hemingway, Sholokhov, Hugo... If I remember it correctly, we were required to recite his quote: “Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world──the fight for the Liberation of Mankind” Another surprise: the propaganda department of the CCP's Shenzhen committee sponsored the 2