
Showing posts from August, 2021

COVID outcome may highly depend on viral exposure intensity.

For a specific person, a virus infection tends to be thought to have a predetermined outcome.  For example, a young healthy person would be asymptomatic after Covid infection, and an old and sick person would die or be hospitalized.  This explains most observations generally speaking.  Since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic,  a tremendous amount of data has been accumulated easing the verification of our hypotheses. The aforementioned all-or-none model has difficulty in explaining some data. For example, both New York City and South Dakota experienced large Covid waves in 2020 albeit at different times.  They likely have 30-40% of their population infected. South Dakota's excess mortality (compared with 2019) is 23%, but the NYC's is 53%.  Demographic difference unlikely can fully explain this difference. The current north-south divide in the US in terms the ▲ infection cannot be attributed to vaccination rate difference alone because Florida has a higher vaccination rate tha

The inherent issues and corruption of the US health care sector as reflected by Ivermectin

A group of physicians from a reputable medical institution has just published their study of 3532 subjects showing Ivermectin PROPHYLAXIS reduces corona infection by 83% . A paper on a randomized trial published by Lancet suggests EARLY TREATMENT of Ivermectin speeds up corona recoveryby 100% . However, another study shows no significant symptom resolution time reduction . Perhaps the earlier the better. The FDA is against the use of Ivermectin for corona .  This is fully understandable because the FDA’s top priority is drug safety, not drug promotion.  They need rigorous clinical trials to approve the drug for a SPECIFIC indication. A major manufacturer (Merck) is against it . They need to limit their liability.  Little incentive to seek approval through costly clinical trials due to the low drug price and abundant generics of Ivermectin. Here is how the industry works.  If a $30 treatment is 70% effective and a $3K treatment is 75% for the same indication, the industry wi